5 days, and it’s christmas. I don’t know if y’all feel this, too, but these are mixed emotion days. On one hand, I cling to the hope and purity of what christmas is really about, the light that came for the darkness, and the simplicity of the christmas story. On the other hand, especially this year, I think ahead to the empty, lonesome feeling days after the presents are unwrapped, advent candles are no longer, and people settle into the exposed bare bones of winter.

As the winter solstice approaches, the fantastic treat of the saturn – jupiter conjunction, and possible SNOW on christmas for us, I feel anticipation, hope, and cheer. For once, all of my shopping is complete, save a couple stocking stuffers, and I actually have all of the ingredients for baking and cooking, so I won’t be out like a deer in the headlights trying to make it all come together. These are absolute wins for me! True to my last Four Somethings post, this has been a relaxed, simple season in our home. YES THE POPCORN GARLAND IS FORTHCOMING, STAY TUNED!

However, I miss family, friends, gatherings … I feel like Kevin, at the end of Home Alone, right before he ends up in the church, when he’s walking home. All of the homes in his neighborhood are lit up and festive, with people gathered together, and love spilling out of the windows and doors. I miss Christmas Eve at my parents house, jalapeno poppers perfectly grilled by my dad, my sister and her homemade sweets and desserts, and my aunts and cousin swirling in with energy and funny stories. This has been a lonely year! I anticipate next year, when we can all safely be together, it will be like Kevin waking up on christmas day, running down the stairs calling for his mom, and finding her, and then all of the family, and festivity, piling in shortly after. Who ever thought Home Alone could be so rich, and inspire such deep thoughts?!

In these last few days before christmas, I’m signing up for a pause, deep breaths and gentle moments. I’m looking forward to the longest night of the year and (hopefully) an awe inspiring planetary show. While I’m struggling to believe that Christ was born at this actual time of year, that’s an entirely different thought, I think on the H O P E that a teeny baby brought to a dark world. When I contemplate how Jesus would celebrate this season, I don’t see the large, commercialized celebrations, all wrapped up in fancy paper and Insta perfect. I envision a cozy calm, with intimate treasures, and comfort, giving to and loving others, and sharing peace and love to all. This year, of all years, I want to gift myself with the shining star of simply being, enjoying, and resting in this lush season. I’m taking my mixed bag of emotions, and trading it for unrushed joy. Who’s in??