What’s the one thing you put off, day after day, even though it’s something you REALLY want? Yeah, that thing …… You should do it. Wait, that’s me, giving me a pep talk. See earlier this week, I FINALLY published the Facebook page to go along with Positively Lit blog. But I’ve dragged my ever loving feet on actually clicking on the little button that will publish this thing, get it out into the universe, and really begin my dream. Today is the day, I’m seizing it. If you look around, you might notice everything isn’t quite perfect, but in life, that’s the way it works, right? It’s not always perfect, but it’s always worth putting out there.

I’m a recovered pessimist, yes, and I also struggle with perfectionist tendencies, primarily with things I’m afraid to do. I have to remember, though, that FEAR is a LIAR, gifted by an enemy that wants to see failure, rather than prosperity. It’s an AMAZING feeling, right, when you conquer a fear, and see how wildly capable you really are!? Whatever YOU are waiting to put out there, YOU’VE GOT THIS! YOU CAN DO IT! Let me be your cheerleader, because if I can do it, so can y.o.u.

So, today, without further ado, I’m publishing Positively Lit. WELCOME! Have a look around, send feedback, and please, allow plenty of grace. While you’re allowing ME grace, give yourself grace, too! Life is what we make it, what we give, and it’s too short to not do the thing, or put the thing out there. What I want most out of this blog, these thoughts of mine, is to inspire positivity, bless with kind words, and encourage grace for the daily roll.

Sunshine doesn’t spin wheels or strive, it flows and follows the energy of creation. I think that’s a pretty good place to be, don’t you?

With Sunbeams and love,

Racheal Xx