If you’re out there scrolling, searching for a positive quote, post, picture, maybe something to inspire or soothe, or to help you as you are trying oh so hard to become unstuck, this is for you. Give me three minutes, maybe less (I don’t know how fast you read =), to share an encouraging word with you, because when I received it, it sure as heck encouraged me.

You might be stuck. Maybe you feel a little wiggle room, or perhaps you can’t even wiggle your pinky toe, but listen up ……….. You’re NOT stuck FOREVER, it’s a season (even if it feels like a lifetime). I’m not speaking from a place of privilege, either, just chilling, never having been stuck, this is from the heart, from a girl that knows s t u c k.

I don’t know what you believe, and I don’t have to know. But creation was created, one way or another, and if you believe that creator was God, then know this … He is for you. Even in tight places, even when it feels like you’ve gotten nothing but beat down and run over. Hang on, hang on, if you don’t believe that, don’t worry, I got you … the universe is for you, true story, for realz with a z because it’s that true.

Both this and my featured image are by Nick Ambrose, what an amazing capture, right?

The earth, this amazing creation, is energy, and I absolutely believe it’s whatever you choose to receive. Right, idealistic and quite utopian, but bear with me … When you think of the earth, planets and moons revolving around the sun, how the moon affects tides and seemingly even our actions, when you start to pay attention to cycles, and seasons, and shadows, light, and the way the darkness changes through the year, it doesn’t even make sense that there’s not energy. I’m not getting all mystical on you (ok maybe just a little), but y’all take notice of how your life is running between now and June 22 ….. Mercury is in retrograde, and if you’re in tune with more than the outside of life, you’ll notice communication issues, feeling tired and wonky, more reflection on the past, and perhaps even old stuff you thought you left behind coming back to check up on you. Creation pulls on our lives, and if that’s not energy, I don’t know what is.

I’ve found when I take care to leave these hands of mine OPEN to receive, I receive; I’m not going to that place saying if you pray hard enough, donate enough money, and I’m especially not throwing out the name it and claim it baloney, that you”ll receive. I’m simply saying, open your hands to receive, it all begins there. If you have clenched fists, it’s not happening. Amiright, or am I right? Friends, openness and flexibility is huge, and a key that opens so many doors. The point is to stay receptive, welcoming, and frame your mindset that this magnificent, glorious creation is for us. Forward motion is positive motion, even when it’s tiny. Might not make your life picture perfect, but it will change your perception, therefore change how you receive. I’ve seen it action, wait, actually, I am this in action.

Quiet your heart. Set your intentions. Speak positively, and breathe. Notice how you feel when you still your soul, and focus on receiving. Wait, patiently, and work on you while you wait; we should ALL be a work in progress every day. Most importantly, trust, lean on your faith, intuition, and creation, and keep your heart open to receive. It might be slow going, and it might not look exactly as you desire, but focus on the positive energy and vibes out there just waiting to be had. Try it, and try with intention. Let me know how it goes!

With Sunbeams and Love,

Racheal Xx