Y’all remember blowing on dandelions as kids, and making a wish? While I don’t necessarily remember the specific wishes I used to make, I do remember how magical it felt to blow those wispy white seeds, whispering my hearts desire, hoping for the best. Perhaps some of those wishes came true, probably most of them did not; however, it always felt like a comfort in those quite uncertain times of youth, when almost everything felt just out of reach.

2020 has been quite the uncertain year, amiright? I think back to the bright crispness of a fresh year, the anticipation of a clean slate, and how it quickly turned into a blur around the first of March. There have been highs, and lows, like a typical year, but seems I’ve spent more time in the valley than I have on the mountaintop. One of the reasons I jumped on the blog bandwagon was as a way to steady myself, and encourage others, because we all need the lift, especially this year. Many highs were in the first quarter of the year, and the remainder, well those were won by fighting, hard. The lows ……….. oh, the vast number of lows ……… there were days I would have blown a million dandelion seeds if I thought it would help. That’s nothing but facts, friends, and I have zero shame in admitting that this year has been a struggle for me, as much as it has for you.

As the year moved on, and I realized this “new normal” wasn’t going to change any time soon, I started to blow on figurative dandelions, first when I recognized that while times were indeed heavy, and we were all closed off from each other, there was still hope, H O P E wasn’t closed off. I chased hope every single day, some days barely able to keep my head above water, but I kept looking up. I blew on more figurative dandelions when I reached out for help in taming the overwhelming anxiety and sadness that had been steady building in my brain and heart. (For what it’s worth, and this will be worth something to someone, the days of ‘Rona only highlighted an already urgent need; this had been coming for a while, as you can only sweep self care under the rug for so long before it demands to be seen, felt, recognized, heard, and acted upon.) Then, I kept blowing on those figurative fluffy white seeds as often as possible through Spring, Summer and even now as we are ending Autumn.

Side note: Y’all cannot imagine how many times I frantically searched for dandelions as I began my new, overwhelming role of teacher to kids that never, ever leave the classroom, snack a hundred times a day, and require three meals a day that I prepare each.and.every.time….. no lunch lady, only a short order cook here.

Here we are, entering these rich days prior to christmas, that along with being deep and meaningful, can tug at even the strongest soul. Yes, the girl that promotes sunbeams, positivity, and warmth has felt the tugging, weariness and sadness that not much can touch some days …………… BUT ……………. I’ve kept looking at Hope, especially as we consider how Light overcomes darkness. When prayer, meditating, good vibes, whatever you cling to, doesn’t make a dent in the feelings, I’ve found a visual can speak life and ground you while you wait for your answer. So, if it helps, grab hold, in your brain, of the loveliest, fattest, fluffiest dandelion E V E R, and blow out those dreams and wishes, and then breathe in a fresh perspective. Of course this won’t blow away every sadness, heartache, anxious thought, or stress, but it’s worth a try, right? While you’re at it, think on the wishes you might have made in your youth, that will help ground you, too 🙂

Blowing figurative dandelions might just be how we need to end 2020, maybe??? Take a deep breath, envision your goals for next year, even the ones that seem outlandish (like when I used to wish for whatever boy I was crushing on to notice me,*cringe) and B L O W those wispies as hard as you can, watch them flutter before falling to the ground, and set your intentions to 2021 being amazing, bright, and full of mountaintops. You’re worthy, never forget.

With Sunbeams and Love,

Racheal Xx