As we head into the last day of 2020, might I suggest we … savor it? Feel the year, for all that it was, and all that it was not. Revisit the months, one by one, and examine those highs and lows, as each added a layer of experience, right? And, well, it’s a year, 365 days, that we were alive to experience, as so many did not get that opportunity.

I came across a memory from facebook, from 2019, and it reminded me of true loss. 2019 was a year of loss, for me, a baby and an organ topping the list. 2020 was a year of uncertainty, yes, but there have been so many treasures, and really, for me, not too many losses. Sure, this year has been unstable, like nothing we have ever experienced, but I’m sure you have learned some things along the way, just like I have. I’ve developed greater patience. True story, I thought I was a patient mom, prior … HA! I’ve discovered that I’m an awful teacher, but really great at supporting my kiddos as they learn remotely. I’ve found that going with the flow, bending, and adapting is the only way to go. Trust. I’ve had to trust the process. I’ve looked deep inside, and come to realize the things that are necessary for my future, and the things that are not, and I’m setting my intentions on how to make each day count for the new year.

Last night, for the peak full moon, I stepped out onto the cold patio, without the porch light (but, really, I love the dark of night almost as much as I love the sunbeams during the day). I stared at the moon, and the stars, and snapped as many pictures as I could until I heard the kids get ultra rowdy … that’s a fine line, you know, between normal rowdy and ultra rowdy, and knowing when to step in to save a limb … Anyhow, I reveled in the beauty of the night sky. The cold moon is the last full moon of the year, and the viewing conditions were fantastic. If you look at the picture, the tree branches seemed to reach up, and gently embrace the moon. If you don’t enjoy the moon, it’s phases, and how it affects us as humans, that’s OK, but really, you should. For me, though, my heart sees how God created the moon, stars, planets, universes, and all of the life that goes with, and nature is beauty to behold. Nature isn’t to be worshipped, no, but enjoyed, yes. And when we stare, in awe, at the celestial bodies, we are worshipping, but the Creator, rather than creation. The moon, to me, symbolizes an ebb and flow of life, a natural rhythm, and I fully embraced that cold moon, in pj’s and cabin socks, as it whispered to me to release the old, and all of those wild emotions from an unstable 2020, and allow the new to settle in.

Are you ready to release the old, and allow the new to take up residence inside of you? YES, PLEASE … SIGN ME UP!! I’m taking hold of closure, and looking forward to WHATEVER 2021 has in mind. Intentions matter, friends! What are you setting for intentions for the coming year? Ponder, search inside, and dig deep. Exhale 2020, and inhale a fresh and bright 2021. Happy New Year!

With Sunbeams and Love,

Racheal Xx