Now that I’ve got your attention, let me quickie share about …. The humble radish. Who EVER thinks about radishes?! I mean besides me, because OBVIOUSLY they’ve been on my brain. I passed by radishes the other day at the grocery; they were so bright and cheery looking, they called my name rather loudly, so I decided they needed to come home with me. They got me thinking ……. radishes are teeny, compared to other root veggies, but have LOADS of sass for such a small package, amirite? You take a bite into the crunchy crispness, and are bit back with sweet, peppery, cheer that’s almost addictive. They are also JAM PACKED with life inside; the little, but chonky, radish is loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, so yeah, life.
Right, radishes are rad, but what does this really have to do with sunshine, positivity and light? Well, it encouraged me to embrace my own little bite, show some spicy sass, and light up life despite what my “outside package” looks like. See, I’m in the working-off-Covid15’ish-and-getting-back-to-proper-eating mode, and not happy with my outside package. I *might* let that get in the way of my inner cheer sometimes, as I focus on the chonky outside, rather than the spunky inside. But you know what? The humble radish cheerily bids you welcome, totally unconcerned about their outward appearance, happily sharing the AMAZINGNESS packed inside (I like to believe happily, anyways). You can, TOO, and I am going to! Pack yourself to the brim with life, zest, brightness and cheer, and focus on the goodness inside. Stand out, in a good way, like those radishes did last week. Happy Thursday, lovelies!
With Sunbeams and love,
Racheal Xx