Ah, Autumn breezes, falling leaves, cooler days and crisp nights … what a BEAUTIFUL time to think about transformation, amirite?! Even though the calendar just now shows the change of season, it’s been on my mind for a while. The smell of all things apple and pumpkin is like a magical spell for my soul. To some, it’s a season of dying leaves, inward withdrawal, and a precursor to winter’s chill; to me, Autumn is LIFE, ENERGY, and TRANSFORMATION! The trees shed their leaves down to bare bones, and it’s NOT a bad thing, it’s glorious!

“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature” Friedrich Nietzsche

As the leaves lose their chlorophyll and fade from green, to red, yellow, or orange, it reminds me that we, too, can transform. Feel stuck in a rut, like you’ve been spinning wheels, need adventure or a change of pace? Want a new hairdo, style, or job? Now is the perfect time to make a change, for the better! There’s great energy in each season, but autumn energy feels limitless, abundant and totally within reach. Why not go for it (whatever it is)? Start something new, mix things up, or even create the life you’ve always wanted… embrace the season of the soul, y’all!

Let go as the season encourages; let go of habits, attitudes, and thoughts that don’t serve you in living the best life you can live. Feel the freedom of shaking off chains, down to your bare soul, like the trees dancing in the autumn wind as they gracefully shed their leaves. And as you enjoy your apple cider, pumpkin spice latte, hot cocoa or even hot toddy, savor the season of autumn, and the season of transformation. Give thanks for what you have, and don’t lose sight of the fact that letting go can be way more beautiful than holding on.

We weren’t put on this earth to keep our light to ourselves. So, as you feel the wind of autumnal change blowing in, hold space for others (do it if you sense the need, even if they don’t know how to ask for it), share a smile and kindness (even with the grumpy Gus hulking through life with bitterness on his breath), crinkle up those eyes as you smile at others under your mask (even though you don’t think they know you’re smiling), and SHINE. Shine, you were created with a purpose. YOU were created with a purpose. We all were created with a purpose, to glorify and magnify our Creator, and we can’t do that when we hold on to things that weigh us down. Be like a tree, and leave (jk, ha, ha, really, just kidding) NO SERIOUSLY, be like a tree and shed unnecessary things in your life for the season ahead. Prepare your heart and mind for the winter, a true time of reflection and stillness, by bulking up on things that fill you up, and shedding the things that weigh you down. Transform, and shine, and be your best, most wonderful self this autumn!

leaf floating on body of water
Photo by Cole Keister on Pexels.com

With Sunbeams and Love,

Racheal Xx