Hi! Remember me? It’s been a bit, right? While I’m rarely at a loss for words, I have been at a loss for words. Seems like a big pile of heaviness has been following me, and I’ve given in and sulked about in that heaviness for long enough, time to shake it off and lighten up. Anyone relate? I’m just kidding, of COURSE y’all relate! So, what happened? How did I decide to come out of my funk? Glad you asked! Maybe some of these picker uppers will resonate, and you’ll be ready to come out in the light again, too.

  • Sunshine. We sure can’t control the sunshine or rain, but we can control getting outside when it’s nice weather, instead of staying in, wrapped up in a heating blanket playing Merge Dragons. (True story, don’t judge) When you have a nice spring preview of a day, GET OUTSIDE! Take a walk, have a lie down in the grass, find a neighbor to chat with, whatever as long as it involves fresh air and vitamin D.
  • Warm(er) night air breezes. It’s not warm, but it’s warmer, and as much as we have been outside during daylight, I’ve also intentionally spent time out in the evenings. There’s something soul searching about the dark, quiet and breezy evenings. I’ve set up my balcony with pretty lights, my hammock and plants are almost ready to come out for the season, and I feel cozy and joyful in my space (cozy balcony with lights, 14/10, highly recommend).
  • Trees, creeks and finding sunbeams. Are you catching a theme, here? Being OUTDOORS makes space for getting those feelings out, and moving on. I usually don’t listen to music when I’m outside, I want to take it all in, so it encourages my brain and heart to come together to work things out. Hear those birds singing like CRAZY almost any time of day (or night, if you like mockingbirds)? Let them remind you to take each moment as it comes.
  • People. I’m a huge people person, but I’m also quite introverted, and when I’m down, I tend to hermitness. That’s not a word, but you get me. I’ve pushed myself lately to make the time to chat more with neighbors, (I have amazing neighbors, btw), but I sometimes like to pretend I’m invisible and they don’t see me. That’s anxiety and heaviness talking, but when I take a small step outside of comfort, it *usually* lifts me up.
  • Letting G.O. This is tough, but truly, the more things outside of your control that you let go of, the lighter you’ll feel. I absolutely positively do not have this one mastered, but I’m working hard to remind myself, daily, that not everything is a burden I am meant to carry. Friends, this can apply to anything in your life that you cannot change or control (and perhaps even some that you can, but it’s not the right time) ……. Extra pounds from a year of pandemic living? Loved one facing a diagnosis that cuts deep, and keeps you up at night? Kids following a path you didn’t have in mind? Married to a, um, curmudgeon that doesn’t share your same life goals?? You can control what you eat, and how you move your body, but you can’t control how fast you lose that extra baggage; you can trust in doctors and medicine, but that doesn’t guarantee healing on this side; kids gotta grow up, and we gotta give them those wide open spaces so they can learn, making sure to leave the door as wide open for when they’re ready; and …… you can’t change people, can’t, but you can accept it and move on ……… so, let go of your idea of perfection, and work to change what you can, but don’t stress over what you can’t.

All of these things were swirling in my head a week ago or so, as I hit the trails through the woods, trying to clear my head. By the end of my 3 miles, I felt SO MUCH LIGHTER. And wanted to share with you guys, because I know I am not alone. Yes, it’s been the most insane, topsy turvy 12 months imaginable, but life was heavy before, and it will always be that way. It’s all in how we frame our moments, right? Spring is on the way!! Fling open the windows every chance you can, hit those trails and walking paths, move your body more and nourish it with wonderful food, and silence those anxious thoughts and replace them with positive statements until you believe them. Life is a beautiful place!! Sending ALL the sunbeams and love,

Racheal Xx